Birds learn to share 

Short story of birds learn to share


Once upon a time, in a rich green forest, there were many various kinds of birds living together. One day, a group of birds, including sparrows, robins, and blue jays, were flying together in search of food.

After flying for some time, the birds became eager and began searching for food. They looked all over, however they couldn't track down any food. At long last, they came across a major tree with lots of juicy red berries. The birds were glad and began eating the berries.

The sparrows were quick to show up and began eating however many berries as they could. Before long, the robins and blue jays showed up, and they likewise began eating the berries. In any case, the sparrows were so bustling that they didn't permit different birds to draw near to the tree.

The robins and blue jays understood left and hungry. They attempted to move toward the tree, but  the sparrows would pursue them away. The sparrows were voracious to such an extent that they would have rather not shared the food.

Short story of birds learn to share

However, one wise old owl was watching from a good angle. The owl had seen this sort of conduct previously and realised that it was not good for the birds. The owl chose to intervene and teach the birds a lesson.

The owl traveled to the tree and perched on a branch. The sparrows quickly became anxious and stopped eating. The owl said, "Dear birds, I have been watching you from a distance, and I can see that you are exceptionally hungry. But, by being narrow minded and not sharing the food, you are making more issues for yourselves."

The sparrows were surprised to hear this and asked the owl how they were making more issues. The owl replied, "In the event that you keep on being voracious and not share the food then, the robins and blue jays will become weak and hungry. Furthermore, when they become powerless, they can not assist you with finding food in the future. In this way, it is important to share the food and help one another."

The sparrows understood their misstep and apologized to different birds. They welcomed the robins and blue jays to go along with them in eating the berries. The robins and blue jays were glad to have food, and they pardoned the sparrows.

From that day forward, the birds figured out how to share their food and help one another. They turned out to be good friends and lived joyfully in the timberland. The wise old owl was glad to see that the birds had taken in their lesson and that they were presently living as one.

        Proud elephant and tiny ant

Short story of proud elephant and tiny ant

Sometime in the distant past, in a thick forest lived an elephant named Elmer. Elmer was a huge  and proud elephant, who wanted to flaunt his solidarity and size to the wide range of various creatures in the forest.

One day, while he was going for a walk through the forest, he ran over a tiny ant. The ant was attempting to convey a huge piece of bread that was ordinarily greater than its size. Elmer really wanted to giggle at seeing the little subterranean insect battling to convey such a huge crumb.

"Hello little ant," Elmer said, "For what reason would you say you are conveying that tremendous crumb? It's excessively enormous for you to deal with." The ant

answered "I may be pretty much nothing, but I have confirmation and I won't surrender. I will convey this piece to my colony, no matter how  difficult it may be."

Elmer, who had consistently felt that his size and strength were the main things, was lowered by the ant's assurance. From that day on, Elmer tried to be more thoughtful of the more modest creatures in the forest and would frequently assist them with undertakings that were too difficult for them.


            The lesson of the story is that assurance and difficult work can overcome any obstacle, regardless of whether you are little.