Parrot changes thief's life 

Moral short story of parrot changes thief's life

Story :

Some time ago, in the dense forest lived  a parrot named Polly. Polly lived in a great nook  swinging from a tree. One day, a thief entered the forest area to take critical things. He saw Polly's nook and thought about taking it and explored the top expense.

The thief climbed the tree and opened the cage to take the parrot. Nevertheless, amazingly, Polly spoke, "Don't take me, I'm a talking bird, and I can make you famous." The thief entered and asked the parrot how.

Polly said, "Take me to the king's regal home, and I will show you." The thief agreed and took the parrot to the ruler's palace.When they appeared at the castle, Polly began talking and attracting the ruler and his subjects with his mind and information. The expert was astoundingly interested and referenced that the thief took Polly to various parts of the kingdom so that individuals could hear the talking bird.

The thief and Polly spread out to various metropolitan regions, and any spot they went, Polly's talking skills drew gigantic social events, and the thief became popular. Individuals were stunned to see a talking bird and commended the thief for conveying such an interesting bird to their town.

As time slipped by, the thief understood that he had become inconceivably eminent and rich because of Polly's abilities to talk, and he had convincing motivations to take any more. He felt remorseful for his past activities and decided to sort things out. He liberated Polly from the nook and apologized for trying to take him.

Polly exonerated the thief and said, "I'm glad that I could acquire some energy for your life. Always remember, it's never beyond a chance to change and figure things out for our mistakes."

From that day on, the thief went on with a certified life and was known for his care and kindness. Polly proceeded to travel and spread kindly any spot he went, and he was consistently seen as the parrot who changed a thief's life.

Lesson of the story :

The moral of the story is that it's never past the spot where it is possible to change and fix things for our mistakes. Our abilities and gifts can be utilized for good,and they can decidedly affect others and ourselves.