Moral story of two silly birds lesson and monkey and the canine (the dog)

Moral story collection of two silly birds lesson and monkey and the dog.

                      Two silly birds 

Short story of woodpecker and the sparrow

Sometime in the distant past, in a woodland lived two birds, a woodpecker and a sparrow. The woodpecker was known for his connected with nature, while the sparrow was known for his senseless and lighthearted nature.

At some point, the woodpecker and sparrow chose to store food for the colder season. The woodpecker began to work determinedly, dealing with oak seeds and different nuts in his opening in the tree. Obviously, the sparrow was occupied with playing and singing.

Days passed, and winter showed up. The woodpecker was good to go with sufficient food to continue on through the ruthless winter, while the sparrow was left with nothing. The sparrow went to the woodpecker and referenced help. The woodpecker, being sympathetic, offered his food to the sparrow.

The sparrow was thankful, however as the colder season advanced, he appreciated that he had become unnecessarily reliant upon the woodpecker's assistance. He began to feel contrite for not looking over his responsibilities in a serious way. As such, the going with spring, the sparrow made a confirmation to himself to on an exceptionally fundamental level influence his ways of thinking and to be more dependable.

The woodpecker and the sparrow both tried to store sustenance for the accompanying winter. The sparrow took in the significance of problematic work and being dependable, while the woodpecker exploited supporting others.

As the accompanying winter drew nearer, the two birds had satisfactory food to endure through the fierce winter, but more basically, the two of them learned huge models that they could persistently review.


The lesson of the story is that problematic work and responsibility are critical for a charming life, and helping others with canning besides gives joy and satisfaction. It is never a past a potential open door to change and improve by and by, and genuinely with exertion, anybody can succeed.

         Monkey and the canine (the dog)

Moral story of monkey and the dog


When quite some time in the past , in a thick woods, there carried on with a sharp monkey and a faithful canine. The monkey was dependably wicked and expected to pull pranks on different creatures, while the canine was obliging and dependably prepared to help his companions.

At some point, the monkey and the canine were out for a walk when they saw a party of trackers drawing closer. The monkey speedily scaled a tall tree to some place safe,but the canine, being unnecessarily gigantic to attempt to ponder climbing, quickly made tracks behind unambiguous backings.

The trackers passed by and didn't see the canine, so they pushed ahead with their way. Right when they were gone, the monkey slipped from the tree and asked the canine for what good reason he didn't simply move with him.

The canine answered, "I may not be basically pretty much as worked with as you, yet I have my own assets. I have huge strong regions for smell and hearing, and I can utilize them to safeguard myself and my companions. I don't need to depend after climbing trees to remain safe."

The monkey, who had dependably misconstrued his capacity to climb, was enchanted by the canine's words and seen that everybody has their own dumbfounding gifts and cutoff points.

Starting there on, the monkey figured out a good method for seeing the value in the qualities of his colleagues and assisted them with accomplishing their objectives. Additionally, the canine, being thankful for the monkey's recently discovered regard and appreciation, turned out to be extensively more dependable and defensive of his partners.

Lesson of the story:

Together, the monkey and the canine lived cheerfully in the forest area, helping and supporting one another, and showing that confirmed fellowship is associated with seeing and in regards to the qualities of others.