Clever Fox and proud Peacock short moral story

Story :

Once upon a time ago, in a dense jungle, lived a clever fox and a proud peacock. The fox was known for its mind and the peacock for its lovely quills.

At some point, the peacock swaggered through the woods, parading its brilliant plumes so anyone might be able to see. The fox, who had forever been desirous of the peacock's excellence, chose to concoct a game plan to procure the peacock's plumes for himself.

The fox moved toward the peacock and said, "Gracious dear peacock, your quills are so shocking. I have consistently respected them from far off, yet I couldn't want anything more than to see them very close. May I kindly have a more critical look?"

The peacock, who was loaded proudly and vanity, concurred, and permitted the fox to draw nearer. As the fox drew nearer, he unexpectedly snatched a modest bunch of the peacock's plumes and ran off into the timberland.

The peacock, who was currently left with a couple of missing plumes, was crushed. It had consistently depended on its lovely quills to draw in mates and gain consideration, and presently it felt defenseless and uncovered.

The fox, then again, was excited with his new procurement. He swaggered through the woods, flaunting his new quills to the wide range of various creatures. In any case, he before long found that the plumes gave him no pleasure or joy. As a matter of fact, they just brought him derision and jokes from different creatures, who saw through his narrow minded and underhanded demonstration.

The fox understood that genuine magnificence and bliss can't be procured through duplicity and jealousy, yet should come from the inside. He returned the plumes to the peacock, saying 'sorry' for his activities and promising to at absolutely no point ever be envious of one more creature's characteristics in the future.

Moral of the story:

The peacock, who had figured out how to see the value in its own normal magnificence and inward strength, excused the fox and the two creatures turned out to be old friends. They figured out how to regard and value each other's one of a kind characteristics, and lived cheerfully in the backwoods together.