Wise old ant and terrible storm short story

Once upon a time in the distant past, in a distant land, there lived a colony of ants. These ants  were diligent and consistently in the middle of gathering food and keeping an eye on the requirements of their province. Among them was a shrewd old ant named Antoinette.

Antoinette was not the most strongest or the quickest ant in the province, but she was the wisest. She had carried on with a long and memorable life, and had learned many valuable lessons along the way.

One day, a terrible storm moved throughout the land. The breezes were serious areas of strength where the downpour was weighty, and it appeared to be like the tempest could continue forever. The ants' food stores were running short, and they realized they expected to track down more food if they somehow happened to make due.

Antoinette realised that this was a crucial time for their province, and she realised that she expected to concoct an arrangement. She assembled different ants and let them know her thoughts.

"We should leave our home and search for food," she said. "Yet, we can't go alone. We should cooperate, utilizing our entire being and information to find what we really want."

Different ants were reluctant right away, but Antoinette's words of wisdom persuaded them. They set out on their excursion, with Antoinette driving the way.

The excursion was long and troublesome, however Antoinette won't ever falter. She kept the ants propelled and centered, and they at last happened upon a plentiful food source.

The ants were thrilled, and they cooperated to accumulate however much food that they could convey. They got back to their home, victorious and thankful to Antoinette for her initiative and direction.

From that day on, Antoinette was hailed as a legend among the ants. She had demonstrated that even the littlest and apparently most fragile among them could have an effect when they cooperated and utilized their insight and information.

The province thrived and developed, on account of Antoinette's direction and the difficult work of the multitude of ants. What's more, Antoinette stayed a cherished and regarded individual from the local area, consistently prepared to lend some assistance and deal her insight to those out of luck.