Woodpecker and the parrot 

Moral story of woodpecker and the parrot

Once a long time ago, in thick timberland, there lived a  Woodpecker known for his capacity to peck openings in the hardest of trees.

One day, while pecking a tree, he saw a Parrot who was perched on a nearby branch and inquired, "Hi Parrot, what are you doing today?"

Parrot answered, "I'm staying here, appreciating the magnificence of nature."

Woodpecker was interested and inquired, "What is the big deal about nature?"

Parrot replied, "Nature is so different and has such limitless various creatures and plants.Every one has its own interesting characteristics and capacities."

Woodpecker was in amazement and inquired, "Why are my capacities so exceptional?"

Parrot grinned and said, "Indeed, you can peck openings in the hardest of trees, which is an uncommon expertise."

Woodpecker was satisfied with the commendation and inquired, "Do you have any extraordinary abilities?"

Parrot laughed and said, "OK, I can mimic the sounds of different animals."

Woodpecker was intrigued and inquired, "Might you at any point show me?"

Parrot cheerfully concurred and began copying the hints of different animals in the backwoods, like the thunder of a lion, the shriek of an owl, and the tweet of a bird. Woodpecker was astounded and couldn't completely accept how well the Parrot could impersonate these sounds.

From that day on, Woodpecker and Parrot turned into the best of companions and would frequently get to know one another, with Woodpecker pecking openings in trees and Parrot imitating the hints of different animals. In any case, at some point, a tracker entered the woodland fully intent on catching a portion of the birds.

Moral story of woodpecker and the parrot

Parrot cautioned Woodpecker, "Be cautious, there is a tracker in the backwoods who is attempting to catch birds."

However, Woodpecker, being positive about his capacities, said, "Simply relax, I can peck openings in the hardest of trees and stow away from the tracker."

Be that as it may, the tracker was smart and laid out a snare, getting Woodpecker in it. Parrot was grief stricken and chosen to help his companion. He traveled to the tracker's camp and began copying the hints of different creatures, confounding the tracker and driving him away from the camp.

Moral story of woodpecker and the parrot

Parrot then, at that point, liberated Woodpecker from the snare and the two birds flew back to their home in the timberland. From that day on, Woodpecker understood the significance of having various abilities and capacities, and the two companions lived joyfully ever later.

Moral of the story :

The lesson of the story is that every animal has its own exceptional characteristics and capacities, and it's essential to appreciate and esteem the variety in nature.