Clever cat and the monkey's short story

Once upon a time, there was a clever cat named Mittens who lived in a jungle filled with monkeys. Mittens was known for her cunning ways and quick thinking. One day, she came across a monkey who was struggling to reach a bunch of ripe bananas hanging from a tree.

Mittens offered to help the monkey get the bananas if he agreed to give her half. The monkey agreed, and Mittens climbed up the tree and retrieved the bananas for the monkey. But instead of giving the monkey half of the bananas, Mittens cleverly divided them into two unequal piles, with most of the bananas in her own pile.

The monkey, not realizing what had happened, thanked Mittens for her help and took the smaller pile of bananas. Mittens, with a sly grin, quickly ran off with her share of the bananas.

The next day, Mittens came across another monkey who was having trouble reaching a mango on a high branch. Mittens offered to help once again, but this time the monkey was suspicious of her motives and refused.

Feeling insulted, Mittens decided to teach the monkeys a lesson. She found a large branch that was heavy enough for a monkey to climb but too heavy for a monkey to carry. She propped it up against a tree, and when a group of monkeys walked by, she challenged them to a contest to see who could carry the branch the farthest.

The monkeys eagerly accepted the challenge, and one by one, they tried to carry the branch but all failed as it was too heavy. Mittens then offered to help and easily carried the branch on her back, much to the amazement of the monkeys.

From that day on, the monkeys respected Mittens for her intelligence and strength, and they learned to be more careful when dealing with her. And Mittens, well, she continued to enjoy her clever ways and the occasional mango or banana from her monkey friends.