Foolish Donkey Contest Race

Short story for kids: Foolish Donkey Contest Race.

Once upon a time, there lived a group of animals in a dense forest. The animals lived peacefully and harmoniously with one another. However, among all the animals, there was one who was known to be the most foolish of all - a donkey.

The donkey was always doing silly things and making mistakes. Despite his foolishness, all the animals loved him for his cheerful and kind-hearted nature. They would often tease him and play pranks on him, but he would always take it in good humor.

One day, the animals decided to play a trick on the donkey. They told him that the king of the forest was holding a contest and the winner would receive a large basket of the ripest and sweetest apples. The donkey was very excited and asked them how he could participate in the contest.

The animals told the donkey that the contest was a race and the first one to reach the finish line would be declared the winner. The donkey was overjoyed and started preparing himself for the race. He practiced running every day and believed that he was going to win the contest.

The day of the contest arrived, and all the animals gathered at the starting line. The race began, and the donkey took off with all his might. The other animals, who were much faster than him, soon overtook him and were far ahead. But the donkey, who was determined to win, continued to run with all his might.

As he was running, he noticed a river in his way. The river was very wide, and he couldn't find a bridge to cross it. But he didn't want to lose the race, so he decided to swim across the river. He started to swim, but he was not a strong swimmer, and the current was too strong for him.

He started to sink, but just then, a wise old owl flew by and asked him what he was doing. The donkey explained his situation, and the owl told him that there was a hidden bridge across the river, just a little further down. The donkey was overjoyed and quickly swam towards the hidden bridge.

He finally reached the other side of the river and continued running. He was the last one to reach the finish line, but to his surprise, he found that all the other animals were there waiting for him. They told him that he was the real winner of the contest because he never gave up and continued to run even when faced with obstacles.

The king of the forest, who was observing the contest, was very impressed with the donkey's determination and declared him the winner. He presented him with the basket of the ripest and sweetest apples, and all the animals cheered and celebrated his victory.

From that day on, the donkey was no longer known as the foolish donkey but as the determined and brave donkey who never gave up. The animals learned a valuable lesson that day - that it is not about being the fastest or the strongest, but about never giving up and having a determination to succeed.