The magical tree

short story of "the magical tree" for kids

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a magical tree that stood in the heart of a beautiful forest. The tree was known to be very special as it had the power to grant wishes to anyone who asked.

Children from all over the land would come to the forest to make a wish at the magical tree. They would stand in front of the tree and whisper their deepest desires. Some wished for toys, some for sweets, and others for love and happiness.

One day, a little boy named Timmy came to the forest to make a wish. He had heard about the magical tree from his friends and wanted to give it a try. Timmy was a kind-hearted boy, and he wished for everyone in the world to be happy.

As soon as he finished his wish, he saw a beautiful butterfly perched on a nearby flower. The butterfly spoke to him and said, "Your wish has been granted, Timmy. You have a kind heart, and your wish will bring happiness to many people."

Timmy was surprised but very happy to hear this. He thanked the butterfly and ran home to tell his parents about his wish.

Over the next few days, strange things began to happen. People all around the world were feeling happier, and no one knew why. The news channels reported on the sudden surge of happiness, and scientists began to investigate.

But little did anyone know that it was Timmy's wish that had caused all the happiness. The magical tree had granted his wish, and now the whole world was benefiting from it.

As the years passed, the magical tree became even more popular. People from all over the world would come to the forest to make their wishes. But the tree was very wise and only granted wishes that would benefit others.

One day, a wicked man came to the forest and made a wish to become the richest man in the world. But the magical tree refused to grant his wish. The man became angry and tried to cut down the tree, but he couldn't. The tree was too powerful and too magical for him to destroy.

The man left the forest in a rage, and no one ever saw him again. But the magical tree continued to stand tall, granting wishes to all those who had kind hearts and pure intentions.

And so, the legend of the magical tree lived on for many years, and children from all over the world continued to come to the forest to make their wishes. And as long as there were kind-hearted people in the world, the magical tree would continue to grant their wishes, bringing joy and happiness to all those who came to visit.