Squirrel Helps Injured Bird

Short story of Squirrel Helps Injured Bird for kids.

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was known to be quick and nimble, always jumping from one tree to another, collecting nuts, and playing with his friends.

One day, while Sammy was out foraging, he noticed a small bird struggling to fly. The bird had fallen out of its nest, and it seemed that it had a broken wing. Sammy, being the kind-hearted creature that he was, decided to help the bird. He gathered some soft leaves and twigs, and built a new nest for the bird to rest in.

The bird was overjoyed and grateful for Sammy's help. It chirped and sang, expressing its happiness. From that day on, Sammy and the bird became close friends. They would spend their days playing together, and the bird would often sing to Sammy while he collected nuts.

One day, as winter approached, Sammy realized that he had to store away enough nuts to last him through the long, cold months. However, he soon realized that his usual stash was almost empty, and he had very little time left to gather more. He confided in his friend the bird, who suggested that they work together to gather as many nuts as they could.

And so, Sammy and the bird set out to gather nuts. Sammy was fast and nimble, and he would quickly climb trees and gather nuts. The bird, though it couldn't fly, was still very useful. It would peck at the nuts, cracking them open, and then hand them to Sammy, who would collect them in his stash. They worked tirelessly, day and night, and soon, Sammy had gathered more nuts than he had ever had before.

Winter arrived, and it was as harsh and cold as ever. But Sammy was well-prepared, thanks to the efforts of him and his friend the bird. They huddled together in Sammy's cozy den, keeping warm, and enjoying their stash of nuts.

As the winter passed, Sammy's friend the bird's wing healed, and soon it was able to fly again. The bird was overjoyed, and it thanked Sammy for all that he had done for it. Sammy was happy too, knowing that his friend was well again.

The two friends continued to live in the forest, and their bond only grew stronger with each passing day. They remained the best of friends, and their story was told for generations, inspiring others to be kind and to always help those in need.