Cat and mouse story in english 

Cat and mouse story in english

 This story is about how black cat Jerry protects the neighbourhood  from mice and rats and how to welcome Tom of the cat Jerry into the cat's club.

Once upon a time, there was a small, black cat named Jerry. Jerry lived in a quiet suburban neighborhood with her owner, Mrs. Jenkins. Although Jerry enjoyed her comfortable life with Mrs. Jenkins, she was a curious cat and often ventured out into the neighborhood to explore.

One day, Jerry was exploring a nearby park when she stumbled upon a strange-looking alley. It was dark, and the walls were covered in graffiti. Jerry was hesitant to explore it but her curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to investigate.

As she walked through the alley, Jerry noticed that there were several other cats there. They were all different colors and sizes, and they all looked like they were up to something. Jerry didn't know what it was, but she had a feeling that it was something exciting.

Suddenly, she heard a loud meow, and all the cats scattered. Jerry turned around and saw a big, scruffy-looking cat standing in front of her. He introduced himself as Tom, and Jerry could tell from his confident demeanor that he was the leader of the alley cats.

Cat and mouse story in english

Tom explained to Jerry that they were all part of a secret organization called "The Cat's Club." Their mission was to protect the neighborhood from mice and rats and to keep it safe for all the cats who lived there. Jerry was impressed and intrigued, and she knew that she wanted to be part of The Cat's Club.

Tom told Jerry that she had to pass a series of tests to become a member. The first test was to catch a mouse. Jerry had never caught a mouse before, but she was determined to succeed. She searched the alley and finally found a mouse hiding in a corner. She pounced on it and caught it with ease. Tom was impressed and congratulated her.

The next test was to climb a tall tree. Jerry was nervous, but she knew that she had to succeed. She started climbing the tree, but as she got higher, she started to get scared. She looked down and saw how far she had climbed and froze. Tom came over to her and encouraged her, telling her that she could do it. Jerry summoned all her courage and continued climbing. She finally reached the top of the tree, and Tom congratulated her once again.

The final test was the most difficult of all. Jerry had to catch a rat that had been terrorizing the neighborhood for weeks. The rat was fast and elusive, but Jerry was determined to catch it. She spent hours searching for the rat until finally, she found it in a dark corner of the alley. She pounced on it and caught it by the tail. Tom was thrilled and welcomed her into The Cat's Club.

Jerry had never felt so proud in her life. She had proven to herself that she was brave, determined, and skilled. She knew that she had found her true calling in life as a member of The Cat's Club. And so, Jerry continued to protect the neighborhood from mice and rats, and she knew that she would always be an important member of the club.