Clever monkey short story 

Monkey story

Once upon a time, there was a wise monkey who lived in a lush green forest. He was known for his intelligence and quick wit among all the animals of the forest. All the animals of the forest respected him and would come to him for advice.

One day, the wise monkey was resting on a tree branch when he saw a hunter setting traps on the ground to catch animals. The monkey knew that the hunter was up to no good and decided to warn all the animals of the forest.

The wise monkey called a meeting of all the animals of the forest and told them about the hunter's traps. He warned them to be careful while moving around the forest and asked them to spread the word to other animals as well.

All the animals of the forest were grateful to the wise monkey for warning them of the danger. They decided to come up with a plan to protect themselves from the hunter's traps.

The wise monkey suggested that they should all work together and set a trap for the hunter. He asked the elephants to uproot some trees and the monkeys to collect rocks and stones. The animals worked together and created a huge pile of rocks and stones, which they placed on the hunter's path.

The hunter came to the forest the next day and walked on the path, not realizing that a trap had been set for him. As he walked on the path, he stepped on the pile of rocks and stones, causing them to fall on him. The hunter was injured and could not move.

The animals of the forest then came out of their hiding places and surrounded the hunter. The wise monkey then spoke to the hunter and told him that the forest was the home of all the animals and that they all had the right to live peacefully.

The hunter was moved by the wisdom of the monkey and apologized for his actions. He promised that he would never hunt in the forest again and would leave the animals alone.

The wise monkey forgave the hunter and asked all the animals of the forest to do the same. From that day on, the hunter never came back to the forest and the animals lived in peace.

Moral :

The moral of the story is that wisdom and intelligence can solve even the most difficult of problems. The wise monkey's quick thinking and leadership brought all the animals of the forest together to protect themselves from harm. The story also teaches us the importance of forgiveness and how it can lead to a peaceful coexistence.