Woodcutter story 

Woodcutter story


Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a woodcutter named John. He was known for his skill in cutting down trees and supplying the best quality wood to the market. John was a hardworking man who believed in honesty and integrity. He lived a simple life with his wife and children.

One day, while he was working in the forest, he came across an old tree that he had never seen before. The tree was huge, and its trunk was wider than any other tree he had ever seen. John was amazed by the tree's size and beauty, and he decided to cut it down to sell its wood.

As he began to cut the tree, he heard a voice from within the tree. "Stop! Please don't cut me down," the tree cried out. John was taken aback by the voice and looked around to see if anyone was playing a prank on him. But there was no one around.

The tree spoke again, "I am a magical tree. If you spare me, I will grant you three wishes." John was surprised but also skeptical. He thought it was impossible for a tree to talk, let alone grant wishes. But he decided to take a chance and spare the tree.

The next day, John returned to the forest, and to his surprise, the tree was still there. He approached the tree and said, "I spare you, now what are your three wishes?"

The tree replied, "My first wish is to provide you with an endless supply of firewood, so you never have to cut down another tree again." John was delighted and thanked the tree for its kindness.

The tree continued, "My second wish is for you to become wealthy and successful. You have been working hard all your life, and it's time for you to reap the benefits of your hard work."

John couldn't believe his ears. He had never thought about becoming wealthy. All he wanted was to provide for his family and live a simple life. But he accepted the tree's second wish.

The tree finally said, "My third and final wish is for you to always remember the importance of nature and the environment. Trees are not just a source of wood, but they are living beings that provide us with oxygen and protect the planet. Promise me that you will take care of the forest and the environment."

John promised the tree that he would always respect and protect nature. He left the forest, feeling grateful for the tree's gifts and humbled by its wisdom.

From that day on, John lived a happy and prosperous life, and he never forgot the importance of nature and the environment. He taught his children to respect and protect the forest, and they carried on his legacy for generations to come.